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villageoffice2014_120If you have business at the Village of Lansing the address is the same, but the building is new.  Village employees moved into the completed $1,079,644 Village Hall this week.  The 2,662 square foot office building includes offices for the Village Clerk, Code Enforcement, and DPW, a public meeting room and an office for the Mayor and Planning Board Chairman.

villageoffice2014moving_400Employees were still moving in this week, making trip after trip from the old Village Office building to the new.

villageoffice2014exterior_400Architect Vince Nicotra designed the new building.

villageoffice2014mtgroom_400As you walk in the front door you are in the new municipal meeting room, amply lit by a wall of windows and clearstory windows above. Two large TV screens will display presentations for the Board of Trustees, Planning Board and other meetings.

villageoffice2014clerk_400A window to the left of the main entrance is where Clerk/Treasurer Jodi Dake can be found. Her new office is spacious and bright.

villageoffice2014codes_400One of the biggest, escalating problems with the old Code Enforcement office was storage space. Blue prints, drawings, proposals all littered the crowded space. That will not be a problem in Code Enforcement/Zoning Officer Marty Moseley's new office, which has plenty of space for storage and meetings.

villageoffice2014dpw_400This room with a view of the old office building is designated for the DPW. Look out the window and you will see employees moving a flat file case to its new digs.
villageoffice2014office_400On the plans for the building this office is designated as a spare, but it lookslike someone has already claimed it. Another office next door is for the Mayor and Planning Board Chairman

villageoffice2014kitchen_400The old village office had a kitchen, sort of -- it was a counter in the meeting room. The new hall has a better kitchen in its own space.

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