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  • Athletic Code Passed:  The School Board passed the final draft of the Athletic code in their regular Monday meeting.  Edits had been made to define the punishment for students who break the code so that both students and teachers could be clear about what is expected.

  • Taking Care of Business:  Gary Alger will be resigning as Interim Business Administrator for the school district at the end of September, and the board considered what action to take to make sure the district continues to have good coverage in this area.  The consensus was that another temporary person should be hired, deferring the hiring of a permanent Business Administrator until the new superintendent has been hired and can have a say in the process.

  • Boiler Bid Accepted:  The School Board accepted the lowest bid on the Middle School boiler replacement project after it was determined that the contractor will be able to complete the work on schedule, or at least get temporary heat into the building by the September 15 deadline.  The firm with the winning bid is Kimble, Inc. of Elmira.  Interim Business Administrator Gary Alger said he was pleased that the bid came in ten to fifteen thousand dollars below the amount that had been allotted for the project.  The total expenditure will be between $235,000 and $240,000.
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