mailmanIn the September 8 issue of The Lansing Star, Joseph Wetmore presented incisive criticism of the so-called informational meeting held August 30 about the Town’s proposed Comprehensive Plan. That meeting WAS informative in the sense that we were told that anyone who wanted to read the proposed plan could find a copy at the Town Hall or the Lansing Library. There were also a few copies of the Comprehensive Plan document and Land Use Map available for meeting attendees. (I grabbed one of each.) But Wetmore is right, the CONTENTS of the plan was not discussed openly.

The following issues need to be addressed by the Planning Board and the Town Board:
  1. Hold a legally required public hearing that is well advertised. (I suggest a notice in the Lansing Star as well as the Town’s website.)
  2. Be prepared to explain what substantive changes were made to the Comprehensive Plan Committee’s recommendations AND WHY THEY WERE MADE. State Law apparently only requires that the citizens be afforded the opportunity to be heard at a public hearing. Good government, however, requires that public officials explain their actions.
  3. Don’t rush to the point of quashing public understanding and public approval. The investment of a few more hours of your valuable time will pay big dividends.
Dan Konowalow
Lansing, NY