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mailmanI couldn't be happier to recommend Richard Costello for Town Justice in the Town of Lansing. I have known Mr. Costello for 20+ years and can confidently say that he is a person of impeccable character. Ever since we first met, Richard's incredible teaching skills have always impressed me.

He is responsible, motivated and possesses empathy and insight. For years as the PGA Golf Professional he led the Cornell Golf Team to many victories and has wonderful leadership qualities. Richard instructed new comers to hunting by teaching Gun Safety for many years.

From University dignitaries to his students Mr. Costello's people skills are unsurpassed. He is a devoted family man with a deep appreciation and devotion to his community. Richard has the common-sense approach and drive needed to make a difference in the future of Lansing.

My relationship with Richard Costello is personal and not professional. I am confident that each applicant for this town justice position has a combination of education and professional qualification that are suitable for the position, but we expect a town justice to meet our highest standards. Richard Costello's combination of character and intelligence suit him perfectly to meet those standards and the serve the people of Lansing.

Eva Deibert
Fernandina Beach, FL
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