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dearmargaret I have a coworker that seems to land choice clients that turn out to be lucrative and bring accolades from our superiors. What is irksome is that this person doesn't do any of the heavy lifting in our department. Their success always comes from calculated risk taking rather than hard work. I try to have a good attitude about the situation, but when I beat the street and work nights and weekends to further my career, to have a fellow employee consistently rise above me is getting frustrating. What gives with some people's ability to be so lucky?
Making the Fast Buck

Dear Making the Fast Buck: I would suggest that your coworker is good at relying on gut instinct. This allows the individual to cut to the chase and know what clients to approach for business. While you may work hard to find logical solutions, perhaps your coworker listens to their intuitive sense. While this person is gifted with what looks like finding easy solutions, hard work is not to be dismissed. Finding success through added labor isn't a bad thing. It simply takes more patience as you may have to cultivate many relationships in order to find the client that says 'yes'. The potential clients that seem lost to you are ones that may return to you through a bit more persistence and, yes, hard work. While your coworker is exemplary at making quick revenue for your company, I'd suggest your gift is making steady, dependable income. Your employer needs both of you.

Click Here to write to Dear Margaret.  Margaret Snow is a Life Coach in Ithaca, NY.

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