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Lynn LeopoldLynn LeopoldI have known Lynn Leopold casually for years.  Knowing her socially, I was only vaguely aware of her considerable accomplishments.  I knew she was the Recycling Queen. 

She has long been an active green advocate, and not just talking about it, but doing something about it.  She and her husband Carl are among the most gracious people I know.  They take a genuine interest in the people they meet, and in the environment both globally and locally.  Between her recycling work, the Floating Classroom, her participation as Village of Lansing Trustee, and the many other things she does, she has arguably touched the lives of every resident of Tompkins County.  So it should come as no surprise that she is our December Star.  -- Editor

I am lucky to have Lynn Leopold as a good friend. She has been an inspiration for me and she has been the one who whetted my appetite to do the right thing when it comes to the environment. She educated me on the latest news/information on all the different aspects of the environment. She helped me put together a presentation that I take to all the local Tompkins County schools, local organizations and neighboring counties. She showed me how to make it interesting for all ages and fun too.

(center) At a Village Trustee meeting

She has also showed me how to make paper from unwanted used colored paper and how to make felt out of old wool sweaters, rugs out of old rags or blue jeans, cards decorated with potato stamps, wrapping paper from paper bags, old business cards made into gift tags, using the ribbon from last year's gifts and many other items that she has showed me how to reuse, or give new life to - to be used for something else.

Lynn retired from the TC Solid Waste Division several years ago, but she still stays active in our events, either making paper or just willing to lend a helping hand. She is so active with all her other commitments like choir, birding, skiing, her public seat at the Village of Lansing, and many other Boards.

Lynn is one of the people that inspire me to continue on with teaching ways to sustain the life or rebuild the earth and to find new ways to cut back the waste being thrown into our landfills, and so much more. Thank you Lynn for letting me be a friend, a student, a partner and someone who admires and loves you."  -- Linnett Short, Tompkins County Solid Waste Division

Teaching Paper Making at the 2006 Recycling Fair

Lynn is not only a Star in Lansing but also for Cayuga Lake.  She has been active in water quality and watershed protection for a number of years.  As a trustee for the Village of Lansing, Lynn is a representative to the Cayuga Lake Watershed Intermunicipal Organization (IO), a group comprised of municipalities across the watershed that works to protect the watershed. 

Her involvement in the IO's Education, Public Participation, and Outreach Committee has led to the production of the IO newsletter and the creation of the Floating Classroom on Cayuga Lake.  Thanks to Lynn's energy and coordination to work on curriculum and recruiting teachers, the Floating Classroom has been successful with close to one thousand students per year having an opportunity to learn about water quality issues first hand.  -- Darby Kiley, Cayuga Lake Watershed IO Project Manager and Town of Lansing Planner

Lynn Leopold has been active in Village of Lansing politics since she and her husband Carl moved to the Village in the mid 1970’s. They built a low impact new home on a large parcel of land between Route 34 and the Twin Glens Natural Area adjacent to the North Glen. Their water source is a cistern fed by a small spring near the old Ithaca Auburn railroad path that forms the eastern boundary of their property. Lynn and Carl walk the walk in terms of having as small an impact on the environment as they can. This is characteristic of her work with the Tompkins County Solid Waste Facility where she was one of the prime movers in getting the recycling program started that has been very successful.

In February of 1999, we were successful in persuading Lynn to serve on the Board of Trustees after Audrey Kahin resigned to be able attend to personal matters. Lynn serves as the Board’s liason with the Village Planning Board so has double duty in terms of meetings. As part of her interaction with the Planning Board she is the key person on the Village Lighting Committee that has to approve the lighting plan for any new projects within the Village to limit light pollution and trespass.

Storm water management has become an important part of Village responsibilities due to EPA mandates. Lynn has worked closely with Dave Putnam, our consultant engineer from T. G. Miller, in submitting the required annual documentation to DEC. She is also the Village representative on the intermunicipal group that is working to develop a common approach for the needed legislation for each municipal to satisfy these requirements. As the Village representative in the Cayuga Lake Watershed Intermunicipal Organization that sponsors the Floating Classroom on Cayuga Lake she is further contributing to the education of the public on the importance of preserving our great natural asset Cayuga Lake.

As a person, Lynn is an absolute delight to work with and as Mayor I would like to thank her and acknowledge her very strong contributions to the Village. Her touch even extends to maintaining the flower beds around the Village Office to make the Village of Lansing a more colorful and pleasant place to live and work. Thanks Lynn! -- Don Hartill, Mayor of the Village of Lansing

I worked many years with Lynn in various capacities in County government. She was always a pleasure to be around and she brought a contagious enthusiasm for protecting the world environment. Her wealth of knowledge regarding environmental issues enabled us all to achieve greater goals. -- Tom Richardson, Recycling Supervisor, Tompkins County Solid Waste Division

Caring for the flowers at Village entryways

Lynn is one of the most conscientious and caring people I've ever known and worked with. Her appreciation for the environment is real and is incorporated as part of her life. -- Barb Eckstrom, Solid Waste Manager, Tompkins County Solid Waste Division

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