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Kids came to Lansing Elementary School Saturday to create and have fun.  The PTSO's Create A Craft Sale offered an array of crafts for different ages and skill levels.  This year high school students were on hand to help the smaller kids, because the proceeds of the event went to help fund an art trip to Italy planned for April.  "We are working together for the Create A Craft Sale because PTSO is kind enough to donate money toward our trip," said middle school art teacher Lee Ionone, who will be leading the trip.


As kids walked into the room, they saw examples of craft projects they could choose to work on.  This year Ionone brought mugs the kids could decorate.  She planned to fire them in a kiln, then return the finished works to the children.  A bake sale and pizza were also part of the mix, to help raise more funds.

Amy Boardman and Laura Cina were on hand from the PTSO.  "We would normally ask for volunteers from the PTSO, but because Lee's group is here we didn't think we would need that many more people, so we are letting them handle a lot of that," Boardman said.  "Lee brought all of her kids to help and they put in a major effort so the proceeds will all go to them."

Lee Iononne (standing rear) will take 13 high schoolers
on an art trip to Italy in April

Boardman says the event is targeted at elementary and middle school kids.  "It is for all age groups," she explains.  "Everyone can participate.  We provide all of the kits so the whole format is that samples are created and the people say this is what I like and they come back and pick up the kits and create their own thing.  They are already prepared but they add their own creativity as well, so it's very personalized."  She noted that she would like to see more people bring new craft ideas for future sales.


Ionone plans to take 13 students and four other adults on the April 6-13th trip that will include art stops in Rome, Sorrento, the Isle of Capri and Pompeii.  They will visit the Vatican and museums, the Sistine Chapel, the Colosseum, and Hadiran's Villa.  The students have been raising funds by selling candy and t-shirts, and picking grapes at King Ferry Winery.

Elaina Parkins and PTSO officer Amy Bordman manning the cash box

Boardman estimated between 50 and 75 kids, mostly elementary level, would come to the sale.  And there was something for each of them to try.  "There is a wide assortment so we try to get a wide range of Christmas and then wintry type of activities and then a range of skill level," she said.  "There are things that require quite a bit of work.  There are other things the littler kids can go like painting or coloring."

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