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Sgt. Jonathan Michael Smith, 21, of Waverly, N.Y., fiancé of Erika Eckstrom, 21, of Lansing, has become the leader of the nation’s utmost firing party. A member of the Army’s prestigious Old Guard at Fort Myer, Smith calls the 21 gun salute for funerals in Arlington National Cemetery.

Erika Eckstrom and Sgt. Jonathan Michael Smith

During an intra-regiment competition on Fort Myer, Va., Smith’s firing party ranked first in their competence and precision while firing the 21 gun salute, rating them as the top firing party in the United States.

By winning this honor, Smith’s firing party was selected to be photographed by National Geographic and will be highlighted in an upcoming article by Rich Atkinson regarding Arlington Cemetery, which is scheduled to be published in June, 2007. These photographs will also be featured in a coffee table book titled The Seasons of Arlington.

In addition, Smith was given the opportunity to train Texas State Police officials how to properly conduct a 21 gun salute so that they may honor fallen soldiers in their home state.

The Old Guard is recognized as being the finest ceremonial performers in the military. They are the proud escorts of the president and the guards at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Soldiers of the Old Guard Regiment conduct sensitive and complex operations in support of the National Capital Region and deploy when required to operate in a Joint and Coalition environment. Every ceremony is conducted as a major operation, and the Old Guard is renowned for being unmatched in their ability to honor their fallen comrades and their families.

Smith is the son of Stan and Lisa Smith of Waverly, N.Y., and has recently announced his engagement to Erika Eckstrom, of Lansing, N.Y. He is a member of the Waverly Presbyterian Church and the grandson of William Yanavitch and Howard and Vi Smith. Known in his community as a distance runner, Smith hopes to receive a running scholarship and attend a N.Y. college to study education and kinesiology after serving in the Army.

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