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by Dr. Will S. Sert

DOWNPOUR: At the Institute for English as a First Language, we teach patients that redundancies can sneak up on you. They become so embedded in our language that we don't hear them. Downpour, for instance. A perfectly good word that we use ourselves, but with awareness.

Years ago, I once scuttled into a saloon to get out of a roaring rainstorm. As I stood panting in the puddle that was forming at my feet, a barfly looked up from the bottom of his glass, glanced blearily through the streaked front window, and remarked, "Look at that rain come down!"

To which a voice retorted from the gloom at the far end of of the bar, "Sure would look funny goin' up!"

Clear thinking for a man in his condition.

Downpour invites a similar wisecrack. After all, gravity isn't just a good idea, it's the law.

But we're stuck with downpour as handy shorthand for torrential rain. Just use it wisely, my friends.

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