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helming gunrafflebanSenator Helming shooting clay targets at the MacDougall Sportsmen Club

Many local organizations, including volunteer fire departments, veterans groups, sportsmen's clubs, and fraternal orders such as Elks Clubs and Mason Lodges, hold raffles each year. The funds they raise are used to support a variety of worthy charitable causes across our region. Legislation has been put forward in the State Assembly that would prohibit non-profit organizations from holding gun raffle fundraisers.

The legislation was introduced by Assemblywoman Jo Anne Simon, a Brooklyn Democrat, and is currently in the Assembly Racing and Wagering Committee. There currently is no same-as bill before the Senate.

"This sort of legislation is something that should concern everyone. This bill would deny many organizations an important tool they use to raise funds to support scholarships and other community activities. In fact, many local fire departments rely on this funding to purchase the equipment needed to keep their members safe and to protect our community, helping to reduce the burden on taxpayers. The legislation has little to do with public safety and everything to do with politics. The bill ignores the fact that those who win one of these raffles must undergo a background check before they can pick up their prize. People across New York enjoy attending these events and supporting local service organizations. We need to protect their right to do so, and I urge members of the public to share their thoughts with the sponsor of this legislation," said Helming.

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