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ImageUTICA, N.Y. - (Sept. 16, 2008) Three days after Richard Hanna called for Congressman Charles Rangel to step down as chairman of the House Ways & Means Committee, a number of newspapers did the same including The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post and The Albany Times Union.
When will Congressman Michael Arcuri join the calls for Rangel's resignation and return the $4,000 he's received in campaign contributions?  The public is waiting, but Mr. Arcuri remains silent on the issue.  Hanna is running against Arcuri for U.S. Congressman.

Now the public learns Rangel also failed to report a $70,000 profit on the sale of a Florida condominium.
"Mr. Rangel likes to write tax law, but not follow it," Richard Hanna said.
Rangel is embroiled in three separate investigations by the House Ethics Committee, which he has requested himself, but he's balked at calls for his resignation as chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee.
As head of the powerful Ways and Means Committee, the Harlem Democrat oversees taxation, tariffs and revenue-raising measures. It also has jurisdiction over Social Security, Unemployment and Medicare.
Rangel has donated $4,000 to Arcuri's campaign, and Richard Hanna said those funds should be returned immediately.
"Mike Arcuri continues to turn a blind eye toward Rangel's dealings," Richard Hanna said, "but Americans are tired of politics as usual. If he is truly the independent he says he is, he will speak out against Rangel's excuses and call for him to step aside."

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