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ImageThe Lansing Fire District and the Lansing Volunteer Fire Department elected officers this week, but in what was expected to be a quick organizational meeting the five commissioners found themselves at odds in their first meeting of the year.  Robert Wagner was voted Chairman of the Fire Commissioners, and Larry Creighton Vice Chairman, but when it came to electing a secretary the commissioners were split.

Creighton and the newest commissioner, Michael Day, wanted Jeff Walters to replace Alvin Parker as District Secretary.  Wagner supported Parker.  "We have a stalemate," Wagner said.  "I guess at this point we don't have a secretary."

Wagner deferred further discussion until other organizational business could be completed.  But when the agenda item to remind newly elected personnel and the newly appointed secretary they must take their oath of office at the Town Clerk's office, it was painfully clear they would have to figure out how to elect a secretary.

Lansing Fire Commissioners (Left to right) Alvin Parker, Robert Wagner, Michael Day, Treasurer George Gesslein, Larry Creighton, Jeff Walters

"I just feel we need a change in secretary," Creighton said.  "It's not any one thing.  It will be nice to have more than one commissioner who knows what the secretary's job is."

Parker noted that the District Secretary doesn't even have to be a fire commissioner.  But evidently there was more behind Walters' nomination than met the eye.  Day said that he thought the membership of the department supported Walters.  As the discussion heated up Connie Wilcox, who is the Town liaison to the Fire District, suggested the commissioners try to settle their differences in executive session where they might speak more frankly than in a public meeting.

The issue qualified, because executive session is used to discuss personnel issues.  Secretary is one of the few paid positions in the District.

Evidently the discussion was frank.  It was loud.  Those waiting in the hall could hear the volume and tone, though not the words.  But when Wagner emerged to allow Treasurer George Gesslein, Wilcox, and observers back into the meeting the atmosphere was subdued.

Creighton moved that a new position be created, Deputy Secretary.  That was passed unanimously.  Next Creighton nominated Parker, who was unanimously reelected as Secretary.  Then Walters was elected to be Deputy Secretary, a new position.  Salaries were set at $9,000 for secretary and $5,000 for the deputy position.  Gesslein pointed out that the commissioners will have to come up with the money for the new position.

Fire Chief Scott Purcell (front) and Deputy Chief Brad George

Lansing Fire Chief Scott Purcell presented the names of the newly elected fire department officers for 2009.  Purcell will continue as Chief with Brad George continuing as Deputy Chief.  Darrell Rhoads was named 1st Assistant Chief, Tom Cooper 2nd Assistant Chief, and Dennis Griffin 3rd Assistant Chief.  Mike Drake is Captain.

No 1st Lieutenant was elected, but Darin Buck  was voted 2nd, Chase Harper 3rd, and Chris Katz 4rd.


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