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First - THANK YOU for starting up an ALL LANSING online newspaper. The Lansing Star is an invaluable source for us to use to find out what is going on in Lansing.

Second - with regard to your editorial in the Friday June 22 edition titled "A Taxing Experience", I would like you to expand on the final sentence in your editorial : "If the School District comes up with another budget like this one, who knows what will happen?" Your sentence suggests to me that this budget was unusual compared to others in the past.

Was this what you were implying? If so, could you explain what was different about this budget compared to last years, or the year before? I've been reading the Lansing Star, I've attended a few LBOE meetings, I've watched a few LBOE meetings on Channel 16 on Saturday's.

I've heard people complain that they did not like the "process" used by the LBOE and the LCSD Administration in preparing and presenting the 2006/2007 LCSD budget. My observation of the 'process' used this year is no different than the process used for at least the last 10 years. I've attended many LBOE meetings over the years and I really don't see what people are complaining about.

Editor's reply: 

I didn't mean to imply that it was the process -- I was simply referring to the amount in the current tax climate.  My thought was that when you are about to ask taxpayers to approve a capital project you don't present them with a +- 7% operating budget six months prior.

As far as process is concerned, my observation is that you are right that it wasn't different, except that with two business administrators and two superintendents it seemed a bit disjointed this year, and perhaps frantic toward the end.

Please send your Letters to the Editor with your opinions on the school budget and capital project.

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