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In recent weeks I have been doing a lot of phoning in support of Michael Arcuri for Congress. Often people tell me that they have heard nothing but negative ads on both sides and say they want substantive information.

Frankly, I think they are exaggerating or not paying attention. I received a piece in the mail that puts Arcuri squarely on the side of quality, affordable health care for all Americans, an increase in the federal minimum wage, and preservation (not privatization) of Social Security. He is on record as supporting alternative and renewable clean energy initiatives, federal support for stem cell research and many other policies that are in direct opposition to what we have been getting from the present Republican-controlled Congress.

His website,, contains a long list of his positions on other important issues and an analysis of his opponent’s views on each one. Most important of all, to me, is his determination to help find a realistic way to end the tragedies in Iraq with a phased withdrawal of our troops as soon as possible. A vote for Arcuri is a vote for reversal of the failed Bush policies that are leading us in all the wrong directions.

Martha Ferger
Dryden, NY


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