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Letters to the EditorLetters to the EditorAt you say in the box "There were some contradictions in the data,..." This is the very problem with the NY State RPS Tax Data program that I have been exploring for over 5 years.

There is not basic error checking in the program. Your high school math teachers would have demanded better. "CHECK YOUR WORK" What is sad is this should and could be done within the program but the NY State Office of Real Property refuses to make these simple checks of data possible in the RPS program.

This is a serious matter. That very basic error checking is not being done within the program in inexcusable. We should expect more from our government. This is never investigated because the average citizen does not have the time to look into these complex problems and it is hard to talk to the NY State Office of Real Property about this. They not only refuse to talk to me they even snubbed Senator Nozzolio when he tried to look into this.

There are numerous sets of data that should be but are not cross checked.

  • the tax data collection sheet and possible work sheets
  • the official tax roll
  • appraisal roll (if the town hired a 3rd party appraisor)
  • the GIS data
  • air photo interpretation data

You should also expect that all the data that your assessment is based on be online in a searchable GIS database.

One where you can search ALL the properties at once and display the results in GIS databases and maps. Looking up one property at a time is an antiquated process and leaves you at a disadvantage. You should be able to ask the online program to show you all the homes on a particular street or town with somany square feet, bathrooms etc and then have a printable list and map of all the properties. You should be able to see not just the assessed amount but the tax paid AFTER exemptions.

Taxes are the average citizens' most basic and direct contact with their government and the data is being handled in a lax and sloppy manner.

Bill Hecht
Union Springs



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