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ImageWe have been paying for a Post Office Box service for months and have no service! I had thought that at least there would have been a special place at the Warren Road site where we could pick up our mail without having to stand in line with all others who are mailing big boxes or just doing other mailing stuff. In my experience, not only do I have to stand in line, but often there are only two postal clerks working.

Because that post office is now doing the work of the busy South Lansing office, I think there should be more people serving us. AND I never know where to go to pick up my mail! Sometimes one stands in line for 20 minutes or so only to be told to go to another area. I also think the leases on our boxes should be extended several months while the Post office dithers. I would sign a "Dear Box Holder" petition if one were circulated.



From: Louise Bement
Lansing, NY 14882

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