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ImageI hear a lot of emotion in these pages from Marty Christopher and Dan Veaner regarding Dan Pace's petition to call for a re-vote on the Lansing library tax. 

I've spoken with Dan Pace, and tearing down the Library isn't his wish.  From the conversations we've had it's clear to me that what he wants is to have a re-vote on the library tax now that voters in the school district have to register their name and address to vote. 

I don't see Dan going on with this forever, and he has said as much to me.  When the re-vote happens, and I am quite confident that it will, the taxpayers of Lansing will be sure that the vote is fair and not weighted one way or the other by voters from outside Lansing.

Personally, I think what Dan has done to get school district voters registered is one of this nation's dearest values...justice at the polls.  Rather than stand by when he saw a potential for vote fraud, he took a leadership role and worked hard to close that gap.

I will work with Dan to get the petitions signed, and then accept the vote however it falls.  It is my belief that Dan will do the same.

Finally, I'd like to observe that the employees of the Tompkins County Library are United Auto Worker union employees.  You can be certain that at some point the UAW or some other union will try to unionize the Lansing Library.  When this happens, I expect the costs of supporting the librarian will increase steeply, and those costs will be passed on to the Lansing taxpayers.

Once again, thanks to Dan Pace for your work to get Lansing school district voters registered and for making sure the library vote was fair by petitioning for a re-vote. 

From: Hugh Bahar
Lansing, NY 14882
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