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I'm taking a break this week. I have opinions about things, but sitting here for the past hour trying to come up with something seasonal yet with bite I've realized I just want to take a break. I could talk about the water district, or the sewer, or Christmas shopping. I thought about writing about the so-called "War on Christmas," noting that there are Christmas decorations in the Village office and I am not offended or worried about the first amendment.

How fuel prices affect snow removal would have been a good one. In fact how they have pummeled budgets of municipalities in general isn't getting enough attention in my opinion. The School District has been dealing with a budget overrun so severe the was question was raised whether the food service could afford to bake a teacher's award winning cookies.

I started to write a humorous piece about how a tree farm's purchase of land adjoining ours has caused us to rethink our curtainless back windows ad the leaves are down in the Christmas tree buying season so the woods doesn't protect us now that folks are going back there. Seasonal, possibly amusing.

Really though, as things wind down for the holiday weekend, I've wound down, too. So no editorial this week! Enjoy the break and best wishes for a wonderful holiday!


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