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The Boston Herald (1) reported recently a study from the Fidelity Bank showing that a couple needs $225,000 out of their own pocket, in addition to health insurance and Medicare, to cover medical expenses after retirement.  This number was around $215,000 last year and is going up at a rate of 4.7% per year.  At that rate, 4.7% per year, 12 years from now you will need approximately $400,000 in cash at retirement to pay medical costs not covered by health insurance or Medicare.  If Medicare fades out, as many are predicting, you will need far more than that.  Depending on your health, possibly several times that amount would be necessary to keep you living.

Most people would jump to say "we need better health care coverage".  Realistically, there is no way to give each individual in the U.S. an additional $200,000 - $1,000,000 in medical benefits.  Clearly we don't need more health coverage, we need more health!

The real problem is that the last place we put effort and time in is our health, which is why it fails and health care becomes so expensive later in life.

For example, the top selling foods in the U.S. are cheap boxed, packaged, refined foods.  The top selling supplements are department store brands.  Only 13% of the U.S. exercises regularly.  Only 7% of the U.S. goes to the Chiropractor.  Most people get the cheapest insurance available and then go to the doctors on the list.  If it's cheap insurance, then the doctors on the list have agreed to accept the guidelines set forth by the insurance company.  These guidelines are designed to cut care and save the insurer money not get you and your family healthy.

Our U.S. health care system has a passion for the quick fix despite the huge risk.  Each year pharmaceutical companies make trillions even though the side-effects on every drug commercial and bottle read: "Caution: Your nose may fall off, you may become homicidal, may get cancer, may die early, may commit suicide, and see aliens."  Rising medical costs are not the issue; diminishing self-care is the issue.  Along with a health care system that is not designed to get you truly healthy.  We're the sickest, most depressed country in the world yet we spend the most money on "Health care."  The key is to take care of yourself today so that you don't have poor health and expensive conditions tomorrow.  You'll not only save hundreds of thousands of dollars, you won't be dead.

The healthful investment you make today will yield you great returns in the future.

(1) By Associated Press| Wednesday, March 5, 2008 | | Lifestyle

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