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capitalbuilding 120Tom Reed announced the House will take up a proposal to ensure local roads and bridges are repaired and maintained through 2021. "I care about investing in our roads and bridges because it brings quality, family-sustaining jobs to our region both today and in the future. This proposal makes it easier for our local governments to keep our roads and bridges in good shape and ultimately helps boost the economy as a whole," said Reed.

The bill would create a spending plan for three years, where the revenue is currently designated to each project fund. The bill also establishes a framework for an additional three years of spending but would require more legislative action to ensure projects are fully funded.

"This proposal is fair. It makes sure our most critical needs can be addressed, but leaves flexibility for future spending, while also preventing the need for short term relief bills," said Reed. "By enacting a long-term spending plan like this, we are providing the certainty necessary to complete the larger projects around the country. I'm hopeful this bill will pass within the week and we can get these projects moving."

The need for improvements to roads and bridges is clear, as New York has one bridge for every six miles of roadways in the state. 50 percent of these bridges are 75 years or older. Within the 23rd Congressional District, there are almost 800 bridges that do not meet many new federal capacity and safety standards. In many cases, these bridges can continue to carry traffic safely and are not in danger of collapsing. However, as traffic volume continues to increase, upgrades will often become necessary to manage traffic flow.

Additionally, one-third of New York's major highways are considered to be in poor or fair condition, even as miles driven by the state's citizens are on the rise which leads to higher operating costs.

The Senate has already passed its version of the transportation package. The House is expected to pass its own proposal later this week.  The two chambers of Congress are expected to come together to work out the details of the bill sometime before the November 20 funding deadline.

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