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ImageThe Tompkins County Board of Elections has been honored with a Best Practices Award from the New York State Board of Elections for its presentation on using free project management software to help manage and track election events.

The award was presented April 28 to Commissioners Elizabeth Cree (R) and Stephen DeWitt (D), after they shared details of the process with other Commissioners attending the State Board Conference in Albany, providing links to templates created by Tompkins County Board of Elections staff.

Using the program, boards of elections can establish tasks and timelines, including links to other activities and related forms and incorporating all the information into one document that can be posted as a reference for managers and staff.  The summary shows all activities, when each activity should occur, and who is responsible for each function.

“This is a management tool that has proven very beneficial to us in the past and will continue to be in the future,” notes Commissioner DeWitt.  “It helps not only managers, but also lets staff know who has to do what and how it plays into the bigger picture.”

“Especially in these economic times, any time-saving or resource-saving program is needed,” adds Commissioner Cree.  “We are happy to be able to share this program with our colleagues across the state for their use.”

The Board of Elections has received eight Best Practices Awards since 1999.

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