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mailmanHello Dan,

I enjoyed your editorial, "Is America Getting Dumber?", and agree that some of the problem lies with our education system. However, I also think the problem is not so much the intelligence of the students, but the use of their time. Their innate intelligence is probably at least as high as ever, but the distraction of electronic games and cell phones has taken away the time in which they might have actually learned something useful. This is, for the most part, a worldwide problem, not just America's, and I worry for the future of the world if this trend continues.

I think your Mark Twain quote was quite good, and one of my favorites comes from Einstein who said, "The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits".

But concerning your editorial question, I fear that the answer is, unfortunately, yes.

Best regards,

Richard Durst
Koefering, Germany
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