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ImageI just finished reading the Star article about the volunteers and businesses that helped put together the new gardens at Woodsedge and once again I am reminded of how many people in Lansing volunteer their time and money to make our community a great place to live!

Our friends and neighbors drive the Gadabout bus, raise funds for the log cabin restoration and the new playground at Myers Park, volunteer at the library (some for 10 years now!), work to help earthquake-stricken Haitians, take part in many Community Council works that benefit Lansing, clean up litter on the roadways, serve on numerous town committees (Town Center, Planning, Sewer exploration, etc.), give hours each week to promote sports, arts, and leisure activities, and do many other good works on a volunteer basis.

Looked at one way, if we calculated the monetary value (wages and materials) of all this good work, it would add up to a considerable amount of money.  Looked at another way, volunteering is often its own reward, so while doing good work for our community, volunteers can also find meaningful purpose in their own lives.

Thank you, all you Lansing volunteers!

From: Donna Scott
Lansing, NY

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