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baseball_varsity_2_120The Town of Lansing is working in conjunction with the Lansing Central School District to rebuild the pitcher's mound and home plate area of the school varsity baseball field, modified baseball field, and work on the girls varsity field.  Three town summer program teams use the school fields every summer.

"These are the only baseball fields in town," says Town Recreation Director Steve Colt.  "We probably use the baseball fields in summertime more than the school uses them during their season.  Last time this kind of build was done was over ten years ago, so it's probably seven years overdue."

Materials were purchased with funds raised by varsity baseball team parents.  Dave Taylor will consult on the technical aspects of the pitcher's mound detail.  The build was canceled last week, and then again this week because the ground is too wet.  It has been rescheduled for May 9th.

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